
Showing posts with the label Differenciation

How do you implement "Differentiation"?

  Why Differentiation?  I came across this term for the first time, several years ago during an inspection; the suggestion to include differentiation in my lessons left me feeling overwhelmed with lots of questions and few answers: does it mean that I have to prepare several different tasks for each stage of the lesson? How do I monitor students’ progress if they are doing different things? What about my preparation time? So, what is it? The main aim of differentiation is to create an environment in which all learners reach their full potential: this means students increase their mastery of content and skills. This happens when teachers build trust, ensure learning tasks fit learners, strengthen students’ voice, and develop awareness.  What is differentiation? Differentiation is more of a mind set than a technique but please don’t be put off! Differentiation can be super simplified in 2 stages: Building your students’ profiles: it all starts by looking at...